Enhancing Road Freight Predictability with Digital Solutions

Join experts from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Alpega for an engaging discussion on how to better predict road freight needs by understanding the way macroeconomic events affect demand

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Enhancing Road Freight Predictability with Digital Solutions  

Join experts from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Alpega for an engaging discussion on how to better predict road freight needs by understanding the way macroeconomic events affect demand. 
Based on the report, "A Bumpy Road for Europe's Freight Shippers," this webinar will discuss how benchmarks for vertical industries can help you succeed even in the most volatile market conditions. 
Watch the webinar recording to gain valuable insights and improve your road freight planning with advanced digital tools. 

  • BCG & Alpega Collaboration in 2024 
  • State of the European Road Freight Market  
            - BCG perspectives on market dynamics  
            - Major industry challenges  
            - Key recommendations for shippers and freight                owners  
  • Alpega’s digital transportation platform 

​​​​​​​You can view this webinar from your computer (best with Chrome), tablet or mobile phone.

Alpega Group is a leading global logistics software company offering modular solutions that cover all transportation and logistics complexity needs. 
Webinar by

Michael Boeckle - VP Sales Strategy, Presales & Partners, Alpega 
Jesus Montero - Lead Knowledge Analyst in Logistics, BCG 

approx. 20 mins

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